I learned how to fetch

1 min readFeb 11, 2021


“Talk about something you learned this week?”

This week I learned how to fetch information from APIs. I created a web app to choose pokemon that would battle each other inside the pokemon stadium.

“Explain Function.prototype.bind()?”

Function.prototype.bind allows you to associate a value for this within a function permanently. Bind makes sure whatever value for this, no matter how it’s called, never changes.

“Describe event bubbling?”

To start at the element where the event occurred, and then walk up the hierarchy, so all ancestor node elements have a chance to respond.

“What’s the difference between the window load event and the document DOMContentLoaded event?”

The dom-content-loaded event executes when all the nodes elements of the page are complete — the load events when all resources, including ads and images, are loaded completely.

“Describe the call stack?”

A typical program will call functions, and these functions will, in turn, call other functions, and those functions call even more and so no. For example, function A calls function B, and function B calls function C.

